Saturday, January 9, 2021

A New Occupation -- my destiny?


I thought you might like to know that after all my long years on earth I am finally fulfilling my destiny. It took the pandemic to make me face the realization that there was something else for me to do with my life, something special, so now I have decided to do it. “Just do it” I said one fateful morning. A morning that sealed my fate, that opened up entirely new vistas for me to explore. And I can begin my new adventure even during this God-awful pandemic.

It hasn’t been accomplished yet, but I am far enough long now that I can openly talk about my new undertaking and provide you a sort of status report, not to seek your approval you understand, but perhaps to simply explain my extraordinary undertaking.

Here goes. I have decided to become a rancher. I expect to be roaming the range shortly. That’s it. I’ll be a rancher with a ranch of my very own, spending my time managing the herd. Alone on the range, so to speak. A wrangler. I can’t tell you why, but I think I may have repressed this desire of owning my own ranch from my earliest childhood. I remember watching cowboy movies when I was but a lad, and all my heroes on the silver screen had their own ranches. So now, out of nowhere, I have decided that I want to be a rancher with my own ranch just like Roy Rogers and the other cowpokes that I so admired. I may have to buy myself a Jeep just like Roy had.

Having your own ranch requires a lot of forethought and decision-making --not one of my strong points. But I think that as of today I have made most of the major decisions and it is now just a matter of implementation since I have already begun the acquisition process. Here is a high-level status report.

I have decided that my ranch wants to be a working ranch with livestock (I’ve always liked animals.) I have decided on the particulars for my livestock and placed an order for 100 head, to be delivered soon. I have already purchased some of the supplies needed to support the animals and I spent the afternoon today working in my soon-to-be corral that will contain the stock.

I should have told you sooner … the good news about my ranch is that I don’t have to move. Everything I need is already in place here in the woods of Roscommon and making it all work will be just a matter of time and willpower, so wish me luck. I expect to be really busy with this new endeavor so I may not be able to see you or respond to your questions for a little while.

“What’s that?”

Oh, the Missus just said I should explain a little further about the ranch, details like where it will be and the kind of animals and so forth. I didn’t think I needed to go through all that, but she insisted, so here it is.

The ranch is in my basement. It’s a worm ranch. I will be owner and livestock manager, putting the worms in the plastic bins, when my 100-- worm shipment arrives in the mail. If I have any luck at all, the worms should eat our food scraps and I won’t have to go outdoors to keep the compost pile going. It will be good for the environment, the worms will be happy, and I’ll wear my cowboy hat when I feed them.                                        Cowboy BIll

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