Tuesday, June 19, 2018

What sort of tyrants are these?

What manner of tyrants have we put in charge of our federal government who can rip apart families that are convicted of being illegal aliens? Border agents are separating children from their terrorized parents including those who are seeking asylum from violence at home. Most of these parents come to us as a last resort for their own survival and to improve the lives of their children. If they are captured at the border or found by ICE and convicted of being an illegal alien, their children are incarcerated, and the parents are deported; most expecting that they will never again see their children.

The tape recordings from the prisons that our border patrol agents use to incarcerate alien children give proof of the Gestapo-like practices that are being thrust on those who come to the United States illegally. Most come in the mistaken belief that we still live up to the promise inscribed on our statue of liberty. 

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Our current government leaders have no intention of welcoming immigrants nor of following past practices regards immigration unless the immigrants are wealthy, white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Our President and Attorney General have created a policy they call Zero Tolerance. It is directed at those who look different than them and/or believe in a different religion. Crossing our border illegally is a misdemeanor. Under Zero Tolerance the penalty for this misdemeanor offense is to take their children away from them and then separately deport the parents without providing any information about their children. This penalty may impose a life sentence of suffering on innocent children according to physicians who are familiar with the effects of the psychological stress of separation. Can we stand by as innocent children are put in cages in America? It is a draconian punishment for something they have no control over.

The leaders who have directed this practice at our borders and those who implement this harshest of all penalties, should be ashamed. This practice cannot stand. If our current leaders cannot change this policy, we must change our leaders.  

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