Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thinking Younger


I just had a birthday, last week to be exact, and this year my birthday coincided with election day. I was unhappily forced to share my day in the sun with the presidential candidates and a whole raft of other politicians who wanted to shoulder their way to the public trough. As my birthday waned, the election returns filtered in over the long night and I found myself thinking about my mental age versus my actual physical age. That line of thought provoked an inevitable comparison of my age and psyche with that of our new president-elect Donald Trump. My mental age, I concluded, is somewhat older than our new president-elect even though our physical ages are comparable with me being just a tad older. It seemed to me that during the campaign Trump acted like a thirteen-year old whereas I assessed my maturity somewhat higher -perhaps about the age where young men just begin to think about consequences of irrational behavior. What I mean is, sometimes I act like a kid, but not all the time. And I like it.

The election seemed to show that childish behavior isn’t all bad. Since outrageousness paid off so richly for Donald Trump, I decided that from now on, I am going to cultivate being young again. I decided to begin by counting down instead of up on each of my birthdays. And not just by a year or two, I am thinking to reduce my age by five or ten years at a clip. Soon, I’ll be wearing short pants again.

I have already started practicing on getting younger. This week I got a brand-new bike – a real humdinger that will allow me to roam the neighborhood with abandon. As if to add an exclamation point to my enthusiasm for youth, yesterday, I installed a fancy new toolkit on the bike’s saddle that looks really rad. And today, I attached a carry-all bag over the rear tire where I can keep a cold one, new sunglasses and whatever else I need to look cool while I pedal to the soda shop…er, make that the bakery since we don’t have a soda shop. I may put my new high-top tennis shoes in the bag also just in case I need them to complete my young man attire. If you think that is too much, you should know that I do have certain standards; OMG no comb-overs nor orange face paint since I earned my wrinkles and hair loss honestly.

Do you think streamers on the handlebar grips of new bike is too much? LOL.



Your Ever-Young Friend Who Thinks Silliness is a Virtue

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