Sunday, December 15, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

So, the calendar says its Christmas again and time for a blog even though we aren’t yet ready for all the Ho, Ho, Ho business except for the part about wishing you a Merry Christmas.

     The best news of the year for us is that our family continues to be blessed with good health. I have come to believe that the aches and pains of getting older is not so bad and may be a simple reminder of what could go wrong if things turned sour. So far, we have been spared major problems and we are thankful. One of the things Marjorie & I have taken on this year is a more serious approach to exercise. Although going to the gym takes a lot of time and energy, and some believe that grunting while looking silly in short pants is a little too much, after doing it for several months I’m used to it and I think it is good for us.

We are still talking about our big trip this year to South Africa that we enjoyed immensely (tell us if you want to see a few thousand pictures). Beyond that, we spent a lot of time camping and dancing. Our dancing took us to many venues, the most distant being our summertime trip to Oklahoma City for the National Square Dance Convention. It was a hoot. We also danced locally, and it continues to be a fun hobby that provokes friendships with those who are as silly as we are about do-se-do.

We are now into our 12th year of retirement and living in our new house in the North Woods. Except the house isn’t new anymore. In fact, this year became the year for repair, replacement, and refurbishing with replacement of a water heater and a refurbishing our water system with a new water softener. We also decided to buy a new GM truck. It’s a humdinger – when the diesel engine runs it hums, and when I back too close to something, it goes ding, ding, ding. What won’t they think of next?

Here’s hoping that you and yours will enjoy the magic of the holiday season and find time to say hello to old friends. We’ll be thinking of you…..

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